Time: around 45 minutes
Yield: 6 to 8 small pieces
2 1/2 cup Milk (2 % reduced Fat)
1 tsp Vinegar
2 tbsp Water
Sugar syrup
1 cup Sugar
3 cup Water
Khoya Mixture
100 gram Khoya
2 tsp Sugar
4 tbsp whipping cream (Note 1)
small pinch of Saffron or edible Color (Note 2)
Cardamom Powder (Note 1)
1 tbsp Pistachio slices for garnishing
1) To make Paneer, bring 2 1/2 cup milk to boil over medium heat (Avoid copper or aluminum cookware.). Keep stirring to avoid burning. In a small bowl, mix vinegar and 2 tbsp water. Add vinegar mixture slowly into boiling milk. Turn heat to medium low. Milk will start curdling immediately. Paneer granules and water will get separated completely. Line a muslin cloth over colander. Drain all the water. Wash Paneer granules with cold water. twist the cloth and squeeze out all the water.
2) Put squeezed paneer into a Thali (bigger plate). Knead the paneer well. Make a very smooth dough without any granules and lumps. Divide this dough into 8 equal balls. Gently Press each ball a little.
Sugar Syrup
3) In a deep pan, add sugar and water, stir. Once mixture starts boiling add Paneer balls. Cover with lid and cook for 20 to 22 minutes (Do not cover completely, Cover only 90 % of the pan surface). After 22 minutes, turn the heat off and let the Paneer balls rest for atleast 3 hours into sugar syrup.
Malai Mixture
4) Roast Khoya till color changes to light pink. Once become cold, crush the Khoya with fingers and crush all the lumps. Add whipping cream and sugar, mix well. Blend nicely to fine smooth paste. Add little edible color, mix evenly. Cover and store in the refrigerator.
5) After 4 hours, remove soaked Paneer balls from sugar syrup. Do not squeeze. Cut each piece horizontally into two equal parts. spread 1 tsp khoya mixture on one part and place second part on it. squeeze lightly. Garnish with Pistachio slices (Note 3).
Refrigerate fro an hour and then serve.
1) In readymade Malai sandwich, rose water is used in khoya mixture to give nice flavor. If you want to use rose water, skip cardamom powder, add 3 tbsp whipping cream and 1 tbsp rose water instead of 4 tbsp whipping cream.
2) You can use pinch of saffron instead of Saffron Color.
3) Use edible siliver foil to make it more attractive.
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